2024 TryHackMe (THM)Advent of Cyber (AoC) Day 7 Walkthrough | THM Writeup
Today is Day 7 of TryHackMe Advent of Cyber (AoC). It has been one whole week of solving cybersecurity challenges. The topic is AWS Log Analysis. I’m having a blast thinking back to the thrill of discovering AWS for the first time! Also, I wanted to share that I’ve decided to end my Blogmas journey due to some changes in my life. Thank you all for your support! It’s been a wonderful experience.
What is the other activity made by the user glitch aside from the ListObject action?
Flag: PutObject
- Use the AWS CLI command to view the data from the CloudTrail log:
jq -r '["Event_Time", "Event_Source", "Event_Name", "User_Name", "Source_IP"],(.Records[] | select(.userIdentity.userName == "glitch") | [.eventTime, .eventSource, .eventName, .userIdentity.userName // "N/A", .sourceIPAddress // "N/A"]) | @tsv' cloudtrail_log.json | column -t -s $'\t'
- An object, in this case, “PutObject” will appear.
- This log indicates that an attacker is manipulating an object within an Amazon S3 bucket.
What is the source IP related to the S3 bucket activities of the user glitch?
- On the S3 bucket, locate the section…